Welcome to Turtle Lake's
Business Community

As a Chamber member, you decide how involved you want to be.
You may want to be highly involved by attending the monthly meetings, becoming part of a committee, heading up an event or running for a position on the executive board. Or, if your schedule doesn't allow high participation, then you'll still benefit from your membership by your automatic inclusion in our marketing plans and internet presence.
What do you get for your membership?
As our Chamber involvement grows, all ideas for new membership benefits will be considered.
* Placement on this website including marketing opportunities.
* Active social media marketing - whatever you're promoting on social media, we'd love to share on our platforms and do our very best to elevate your event/announcement/special etc.
* Member-to-Member benefits
* Ribbon cutting ceremony for your new business, grand opening or re-grand opening
* Participation and recognition in established Chamber events and an open forum to support new events.
* Networking with other Chamber members, local businesses and organizations
* An opportunity to volunteer for the WJMC "Talk of Turtle Lake" Radio spot that occurs every Friday at 7:30 a.m. on WJMC. Members must sign up for one month of participation in which they will announce Turtle Lake events and/or other interesting things about Turtle Lake that are occurring. For more information on this great opportunity for Chamber members, please contact Thomas or Jennifer on the Contact page.