"After 5"
Business Networking Event
This is a great opportunity for showcasing your business/organization and also networking with other Chamber and community members.
The company (you) hosts the After 5 meeting at your place of business, another member's location or community space in order to showcase your goods and services. Only Chamber members may host an After 5 Meeting, but the guest list is open to your choice. You may choose to limit the invites to Chamber Members only, extend to other local businesses or even open up to the general public. More than one Chamber Member may choose to host together. There are no requirements on providing anything other than an invitation to your business, but you may want to offer a tour, business discussion, raffle, refreshments, appetizers, live music etc. This decision is up to you, as the host company.
The TLACC provides nametags for the event, electronic invites through email, Facebook Event and social media posts and promotion through the Chamber website. RSVPs may be requested, but not required. Reserving a date for an After 5 Meeting is on a first come, first served basis and we cannot guarantee a specific month, although we will do our very best to accommodate, if possible.
More Information:
PDF Attachments for After 5 Meeting Host request and the After 5 Guidelines, which will provide you with further information.
If you are interested in being an After 5 host, please return the After5 Host Request to the TLACC through ONE of the following ways:
(1) email to: chamber@turtlelakewi.com
(2) the website https://www.turtlelakechamber.com/
(3) print and mail to: TLACC, P.O. Box 317, Turtle Lake, WI 54889.
If you have any questions, please call Lisa Kofakis at Crimson Heart Designs (715)986-4192 or email her at crimsonheartdesigns@gmail.com
Thank you for your membership and we look forward to helping you plan your future After 5 Meeting!